
2018年4月25日—ThefilestructurebelowiswhatIfoundeasiestforfindingandorganizingfilesonhandlers,client-sidecomponents,andback-enddatabase ...,Next,thefoldercontainingyourappshouldbenamedappandplacedinElectron'sresourcesdirectoryasshowninthefollowingexamples.note.Thelocationof ...,ThisfilecontrolsElectron'smainprocess,whichrunsaninstanceofNode.jsandisresponsibleforyourapp'slifecycle,displayingnati...

How To Organize React and ElectronJS Project Structure

2018年4月25日 — The file structure below is what I found easiest for finding and organizing files on handlers, client-side components, and back-end database ...

Application Packaging

Next, the folder containing your app should be named app and placed in Electron's resources directory as shown in the following examples. note. The location of ...

Building your First App

This file controls Electron's main process, which runs an instance of Node.js and is responsible for your app's lifecycle, displaying native interfaces ...

Source Code Directory Structure

The source code of Electron is separated into a few parts, mostly following Chromium on the separation conventions. You may need to become familiar with ...


A fast and ready-to-go with a well-thought-out structure Electron app boilerplate with ReactJS, TypeScript, CSS / SASS modules, Electron Vite, Eslint, ...

Create Electron App

2020年7月22日 — The application code is principally divided into two-main folders and renderer. The main folder contains all the key process codes and related ...


2016年7月15日 — So, we're really newbie at Electron. I just wonder there is a accepted file structure or framework for Electron ? Because, I don't want to mess ...

Project Structure

One important thing to notice is that electron-webpack expects that your main process and renderer process source code is separated using different directories.

How should I structure my Electron App?

2020年5月5日 — Personally I split my code into two webpack projects, the main project and the renderer project, then import the files as I desire inside each ...